Individual Financial Solutions:
Deferred Savings Plans: IRA, Roth IRA SEP, Rollovers
Long Term Care & Disability Plans & Strategies including cash reimbursement policies such as Aflac.
Basic & Advanced LIfe Insurance Solutions
Basic & Managed Investments, EFT's , Mutual Funds, Bond Funds and other investment vehicles.
Low Cost Guaranteed Fixed & Variable Annuities
Estate & Generational Solutions

We will first discuss your tax position and identify strategies to maximize your tax deductions and shelters available to you and your family. As a Tax Adviser, Licensed Insurance Professional and knowledgeable about personal and business finances I work with Investment Advisers, Insurance Companies and Elder & Estate Attorneys to incorporate sound tax planning with their expert financial solutions.
Tax Services
Expert Tax Services for Individuals, Estates & Family Partnerships
Strategic Coordination of Individual with Business Tax Solutions
Timely online filing and catch-up lings for prior years
- Assistance with Resolution of Tax Issues, Liens & Penalties
- Assist with Abatement, Amensty & Installment Loans
- Audit or Reporting Issues, Late Filings & Penalties
Coordinating your Tax Strategies with your Financial Solutions
Working with financial and legal professionals I will help coordinate your tax services with the products and strategies recommended by your investment & legal advisers.
Your Overall Financial Goals & Strategies
Strategic Retirement & Estate Solutions
Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRAs and Rollovers
Long Term Care & Disability Plans
Basic & Advanced Life Insurance Solutions
Managed Investments, EFT's, Mutual & Bond Funds
Protected Principal & Income Solutions
Estate & Generational Solutions